Welcome to Sacred Well where each session is intuitively channeled to your unique needs.
The Sea Star (starfish) symbolism is rooted in words such as intuition, healing, renewal, duality, balance, rebirth, protection, regeneration, transformation, sacred wisdom, divine love. It also represents the five elements, ether, air, fire, water, earth. All of which Elaine deeply embodies in the essence of her work.
At the heart of Elaine's work she truly believes our physical and energetic bodies hold our traumas, stories, hurts, past lives and more.
She has experienced this in her own healing journey.
Elaine's calling is to guide you to alignment of your truest most authentic self, hold you in unconditional love, release what is no longer serving your physical and energic self. She does this by using her gifts as an intuitive channel in combination with her trainings in several healing modalities.
It is her greatest honor to join you on this journey of life.

“Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE”
~Audrey Hepburn