Sacred Well Community
Meet the Sacred Well Magical Community of Practitioners,

Owner, Founder of Sacred Well
Elaine Muise LMT, RMT ,EPP
Massage Therapist, Channel of Sacred Heart Fire, Reiki Master Teacher, IET Master Instructor, Polarity Therapist

Founder of Grounding Light Heailng
Alycia Steele
Light Language Channel, Reiki Master, Shamanic Drummer, Astrologer, Licensed Bodyworker,
Artist, and body MOVER!

Founder of Potter Wellness
Amy Potter RN, RM
Registered Nurse, Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Practitioner of Sound Healing, Practitioner of Vibrational Therapy, Breathwork Facilitator

Founder of Inner Grace Wellness
Karen Bishop LMT, RMT
Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Channel of the Golden Light of Healing

Healer of Soulfully Nourishing
Christabeth Ingold LMT
Massage Therapist specializing Lomilomi Massage, Akash Records Reader, Astrologer, Energy Work and more