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Sunday January 19th 10am-1130am

About the Event

Join Elaine Muise & Alycia Steele as they fuse together the energies of Sacred Heart Fire Healing, and Light Language Sound Healing. 

Elaine will provide hands on healing, channeling the Sacred Heart Fire Energy * Sacred Heart Fire Healing is a channeling of the divine, unconditional love, and compassion gifted through Mary Magdalene, Jesus and Mother Mary. It is a powerful fusion of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energy, while being held in unconditional love by the Divine Mother.

While you are being nurtured and held by Elaine, Alycia will be filling the room with the sound of the singing bowl & Light Language. *Light Language is the language of the soul’s purest essence. It comes through in a way that bypasses the mind and ego, so the current of energy underlying the words are received directly by the soul. These divine frequencies have the ability to upgrade our entire being; to aid us in liberation from old patterning, activate dormant parts of us, and more.

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Your Instructor

Elaine Muise and Alycia Steele

Elaine Muise and Alycia Steele
Elaine Muise and Alycia Steele

Alycia is a Light Language Channel, Astrologer, Licensed Bodyworker, Artist, and body MOVER!
Owner of Grounding Light Healing, learn more about the magic she offers at

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